Monday, November 26, 2007

Jack Thompson goes on ethics trial, faces disbarrment.

Controversial attorney and anti-video game activist Jack Thompson faces the Florida Bar in a hearing that can result in either a temporary or permanent disbarrment. He is on trial before Judge Dave Tunis due to his actions in court cases against the video game industry. One such action got him kicked off a civil lawsuit and a termination of his pro hac vice (license to practice law in other states) in Alabama.

In my opinion, he at least could be temporarily disbarred. Jack's actions, especially the aforementioned act and his actions after losing an attempt to get the video game Bully declared a public nuisance (which would outlaw sales), are an example of how not to act professionally. He should be glad he was not found in contempt and thrown in jail.

The story is from

1 comment:

the lunch stories recorder said...

yes... this should be fun to watch..