Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Comments on Fox News Excluding Presidential Candidate Ron Paul (R-TX) From New Hampshire Republican Forum.

First off, there are videos that I would love to embed into this commentary, but I'm sorry to say that I have not mastered embedding YouTube videos into my blog yet. Now to the commentary.

He has raised as much money as senators Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and Barack Obama (D-IL). He stands for what conservatives stand for. He leads former Tennessee senator Fred Thompson (R) in The Granite State.

He is Congressman and Republican Presidential Candidate Ron Paul (R-TX).

Ron Paul is in many ways a typical conservative. He never voted in favor of raising taxes. In fact, he even wants to abolish federal taxes and the IRS. Representative Paul also voted against an unbalanced budget. He doesn't partake in congressional pension plans and never took a government paid junket. Representative Paul stands for what the average conservative stands for. However, he is against one thing that all of the opposing Republican candidates stand for...the war in Iraq. Ron Paul voted against the Iraq War, stating that wars that are undelcared against an enemy that is not specified can not be won.

The Fox News Channel hosted a Republican Presidential Forum last Sunday that included former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, senator John McCain (AZ), former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, and former Tennessee senator Fred Thompson. Representative Ron Paul did not attend. Why?

Because Fox News excluded the Texas congressman from the forum.

Why did Fox bar Dr. Paul from the forum? He is ahead of Thompson in New Hampshire and raised almost as much money as Clinton and Obama, which is more than the rest of the Republican candidates. Was it because the studio was too small? Well, if you watched the forum like I did, it looks like there was more than enough room for an extra chair. You can not tell me and those who watched the forum that Fox could not add the Texas Representative. There was no reason for Fox to exclude someone that stands for conservative values, someone that Fox News seems to favor. It is his stance on the war in Iraq that got Dr. Paul booted. Ron Paul supporters were angry at this. They even chased after Fox News commentator Sean Hannity in a furious rage and rightfully so.

Ron Paul is not some liberal that loves to increase taxes. He is not someone who favors big government that wants to spy on its own people. He has voted for lesser government and against excessive spending and government regulation. These are the values of conservatives. They do not want large taxes. They do not want the government to spy on their own people. He is the perfect conservative.

His stance against the Iraq War is the reason why he has many supporters. The massive voter turnout at the Iowa Caucuses is a message to all presidential candidates that the American People are sick of this war. Ron Paul understands this. He understands the needs and wants of the American People. He is against the same thing that cost the Republicans control of capitol hill. Ron Paul is a smart politician, favors conservative values, and understands what the proud citizens of this great country want.

Fox News (I am reluctant to call them a news organization) should be embarrassed and ashamed. If they call themselves fair and balanced, they would let Representative Paul into the forum. This is in no way how a news organization conducts themselves. They owe Ron Paul, his family, his supporters, the New Hampshire voters, and all of their viewers a sincere apology. I am calling on Rupert Murdoch, head of Fox News' parent company News Corporation, to condemn this inexcusable, embarrassing, and childish act. How this joke of a news channel (I am a former viewer) gets higher ratings than MSNBC or CNN is sickening. Why people watch this channel is beyond me. This is the same network that won a case years ago that said that lying to their viewers is their right under the constitution.

I accuse Fox News of deliberately editing Democrats to make them look bad. I accuse Fox News of adding inappropriate images to serious news stories. I accuse Fox News of sensationalizing tragedies and hostage situations. I accuse Fox News of their lies on global warming, even after their parent company decided to go green (I also accuse Al Gore on his hypocrisy of the issue, but that is another story). Most of all, I accuse Fox News of only favoring those who are in favor of the Iraq War, a now-needless attack on Iran, and of the Bush Administration's Iraq policy, which is an utter failure. Everyone at that network owes those involved with the Ron Paul campaign, Ron Paul himself, his family, his supporters, and the voters in the state of New Hampshire an apology. Also, Roger Ailles, the CEO of Fox News, should take this disgrace seriously and make drastic changes. If he fails, he should step down or be fired. In fact, if I were a member of Fox News, I would resign immediately because of this bush league act.

Ron Paul deserves much better than this. Fox News should be ashamed. They embarrassed themselves and the profession of journalism with this controversy.

Good night, and good luck.

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