Friday, February 1, 2008

Website of the Week: Video Game Director's Cuts.

First off, I apologize for a lack of a WOTW last week. I was hammered down with school work. With that out of the way...

A fun thing to do in flash is taking sprites and making hilarious and vulgar short movies out of them. No one does it better than Randy Solem, founder and manager of The Outlet's Website of the Week, Video Game Director's Cuts. This wesite features 40+ sprite-based spoofs on classic video game series and other movies sent in by fans. These flash movies, especially the Mario movies, are funny as hell. Check it out.

Website of the Week:

First off, it should be noted that these flash movies ARE NOT ACTUALLY DIRECTOR'S CUTS. The site's name is a spoof on his own films. Also, Randy Solem makes some, if not most, of the funnies flash movies ever. He is the Monty Python of sprite-based flash movies.

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