Wednesday, December 19, 2007

New York Governor Elliot Spitzer (D) Uses Hoax Site in Presentation.

Read this article on GamePolitics. The article has a link to the presentation.

In a nutshell, the presentation is nothing more than propaganda and scare-tactics, not to mention that one of the sources used, a website called "Mothers Against Videogame Addiction and Violence", is a hoax site created by an NYC design school student.

Politicians going this low not only to scare parents and to take advantage of single-parents, but also to pass legislation (Governor Spitzer backs a game sales restriction bill) that has been declared unconstitutional nearly ten times is not only unacceptable to the people that elected said politicians, but is also defamatory of the enitre videogame industry and gamers themselves. Tens or hundreds of thousands of the hard-working citizens' tax dollars have been wasted on excessively-flawed bills, most of them being passed with false information and scare tactics that Governor Spitzer is using. It is just sad that the people we trust, those who we elect, those who have heard the people say we believe in you and we trust you with our future are stooping to this level.

Governor Spitzer should know better.

Good night, and good luck.

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